Welcome Home Miss Norris !

Welcome Back Miss Norris !

Welcome Back Miss Norris !

After being warded in Tan Tock Seng Hospital for more than half a year, Miss Norris has finally been discharged. A Welcome Home party was organized by her recently appointed Deputy Panel.

Thanks to Mrs Carmee Lim and the rest panel who worked tirelessly to bring her home. They spent months working with the courts, hospital, relevant authorities and finally getting the house ready.

Here are some photos of the welcoming party and Miss Norris who was very glad to be home.

Miss Norris at her welcome back party

Miss Norris at her welcome back party

Tiny waiting eagerly for Miss Norris to get home

Tiny waiting eagerly for Miss Norris to get home

For those who would like to visit Miss Norris, visiting hours are 10AM – 12noon and 3pm – 6pm in the afternoon. Please call Marilou at 62889713.

As Friends of Miss Norris, if you’d like to contribute to her care, please make cheques out to “Evelyn Norris”. Send them to RGS, attention to May Kan. Address : 20 Anderson Road, Singapore 259978.

Thanks from Miss Norris

Miss Norris expresses her heartfelt appreciation to all who have pledged and given generously. She dictated the following note to Madeleine Lee.

Dear all who contributed,

THANK YOU for your generous contributions you have made to me. I appreciate your gift a great deal.

Yours very sincerely,

Evelyn Norris and Marilou Porras

Semi Solid Diet

Ley Kun, my classmate from Class of 1978 and I normally visit Miss Norris on Fridays. Here’s what she had to say after last Friday’s visit.

Hi Mad,
Hey – do you know that the Grand Dame is eating semi-solids now? She’s quite ‘tam-jiak’. Asking for western meals! She’s absolutely delighted to be eating again. We sure can learn a lot from her. What an inspiration!
An inspiration indeed! Since her stroke in November 2011, Miss Norris has been unable to swallow easily. The hospital has been feeding her via a tube. What good news that she is able to eat some semi-solid foods at long last. Those of us who used to regularly meet Miss Norris over lunch or tea would know that she does LOVE her food!(will attempt to get a photo of Miss Norris for the next blog – provided she says yes!)